We’re the most fearless, perceptive, cut-through-the-clutter-and-win-over-your-donors case creators in North America…
“Our only goal is to help your cause make more money by improving your donor communications.”
Tom Ahern
Tom is in great demand as a case writer … especially for clients who want drama crossed with intense donor-centricity. He literally wrote the book on case statements … twice, in fact. His latest update is called Turning Doubters into Donors: How to Make a Compelling Case for Your Cause. The New York Times recently called Tom “one of the country’s most sought-after creators of fund-raising messages.” Thousands of high-achieving fundraisers subscribe to his twice-monthly how-to blog posts.
Meet Tom: aherncomm.com

John Lepp & Jen Love
Agents of Good exists to celebrate the amazing work of your donors. Big and small. Our goal has been to collaborate with other inspiring, arm-waving and fierce “agents of good” to give donors a voice in conversations. We aren’t an agency and we promise not to spew any jargon at you. We work with passionate fundraisers like you, along with brilliant folks like Tom, Maggie, Leah, Jeff, and Andrea. And together, we change the expectation of what it means to be a donor to your cause. #micdrop
meet John & Jen: agentsofgood.org

Jeff Brooks
Jeff has been writing successful fundraising copy for more than 30 years. Here’s the secret: If you want donors to donate, you have to connect their values and their money to your cause. It’s not about how superb and effective your programs are—it’s about how well they empower the donor to make the world a better place. And you have to do it with heart and honesty. Simple? Yes. And no.
meet Jeff: jeff-brooks.com

Julie Cooper & Brett Cooper
Julie and Brett believe that people who FEEL more, CARE more, and GIVE more. It’s what they call “stirring hearts to action.” For that, you need the right words… in the right order... with just the right amount of heart. It's our mission to make this magic happen for you. Because you deserve to spend much less time worrying about making money and much more time making the world a better place. You can start by joining thousands of other ambitious fundraisers who subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter, their weekly email that’s informative, practical, and — dare they say — pretty fun!

Leah Eustace
A donor reflecting on the impact they hope to have through a gift in their will, a catch in someone’s throat as they recount a cancer diagnosis, or the words tumbling over each other as a researcher talks with incredible excitement about their recent discovery. These are the moments that Leah lives for. Her fingertips begin to tingle, her brain is firing on all cylinders and her heart is all in. It’s time to write your story, and Leah can’t wait.
meet Leah: yourbluecanoe.ca

Aimee Vance
Passion. You’ve got it to make the world a better place. Aimee has it to move donors to support your great work. Part art, part science, but never absent of heart. Because feeling something moves people to action. Aimee can make that happen for you. She’s been doing it for a very long time and she’s ready for you.
meet Aimee: frontline-fundraising.com

Ashley Belanger
Ashley’s worn a whole bunch of hats. From founding executive director to consultant, coach, and communications co-conspirator. Her ears are trained on what’s between her clients’ words. And she’s listening for the gold that’s just waiting to be spun into irresistible heart-to-heart connection. She’s nerdy by nature…with a penchant for reflecting back to others their best and most beautiful selves. She really ❤️s brain science. And she ❤️s it even more when we can use it to co-create a more just and loving world. So…shall we get to it?
meet ASHLEY: ashleyb3c.com