The story of Colina and David

This report was the result of some great work by our client—the amazing Sarah Lyon of ALZ Nova Scotia. Our objective was simple:

  • Create a gratitude report filled with donor love, thanking donors for their incredible support!

  • Share a story that demonstrates donor impact

  • Help donors feel inspired by the crucial role ALZ plays in the community, and how donors are at the heart of it

  • From the start, we knew we wanted this to feel like a part of a person’s life. A sticky, tactile, vibrant, curated photo album. Something created JUST for the donor holding it in their hands. The best examples of #donorlove ALWAYS look like they were created with someone’s hands and heart.

Copy and design by Agents of Good. Read the entire report here.

Copy and design by Agents of Good. Read the entire report here.