See KCNT1 Epilepsy’s 4-page newsletter, cover letter, reply form, and envelopes.
Strategy, copy, and design by Aimee Vance
Fundraising writers often have to balance telling difficult stories in a way that is compelling without making the reader want to turn away. It’s especially difficult when working with rare disease charities. The KCNT1 Epilepsy Foundation is no exception.
This is a horrible disease, robbing families of their healthy children from the time they’re infants. These children become profoundly disabled very quickly. It is 100% terminal.
There is no treatment. There is no cure. There is currently very little research.
The challenge was to create a donor newsletter that helped donors feel hope in spite of the seemingly insurmountable challenges... to know their support isn’t in vain.
From the cover photo of a KCNTI warrior, to the handwritten message from a warrior mom on the back of the inaugural donor newsletter, we managed to capture the joy and hope, even amongst the sorrow.